Thursday, September 4, 2008



1. Havoc(n): great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage; to create confusion or disorder in; chaos; violent and needless disturbance.
Synonyms: desolation, waste, chaos, demolition, desolation, devastate, disruption, mayhem, pillage, ravage, ruin, upheaval, wreck.

2.Tumultuousness(adj): highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught; characterized by tumult; noisy and disorderly; raising a great clatter and commotion.
Synonyms: uproarious, turbulent, violent, boisterous, unquiet.
Antonyms: calm, quiet.

3.Virtuoso(n): a person who has special knowledge or skill in a field; a person who has a cultivated appreciation of artistic e xcellence; a person who has special interest or knowledge in the arts and sciences; scientist; scholar; a person who excels in musical technique or execution; a very learned person.
Synonyms: artist, artiste, connoisseur, dilettante, expert, master, musician, savant, soloist, whiz.

4.Transitory(adj): not lasting, enduring, permanent, or eternal; lasting only a short time; brief; short-lived; temporary.
Synonyms: temporary, ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, fly by night, fugacious, impermanent, passing, transient.
Antonyms: permanent.

5. Rudimentry(adj): Of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary; being in the earliest stages of development.
Synonyms: abecedarian, abecedary, abortive, basic, beginning, contingent, elementary, embryonic, fragmental, fundamental, germinal, inchoate, incipient, incomplete, initial, nascent, potential, primary, simple, undeveloped, vestigial.
Antonyms: advanced, mature.

6. Extinct(adj): no longer in existence; that has ended or died out; no longer in use; no longer burning or active; being out or having grown cold; extinguished; quenched.
Synonyms: defunct, gone, vanished; antiquated, archaic, bygone, defunct, disappeared, extinguished, obsolete, vanished.

7. Dissipate(v): to scatter in various directions;to spend or use wastefully or extravagantly; to become scattered or dispersed; be dispelled; disintegrate; to drive away.
Synonyms: consume, deplete, diffuse, disappear, dispel, disperse, dissolve, evanesce, evaporate, expend, fritter, misuse, overindulge, scatter, spend, squander, waste.
Antonyms: unite.

8. Deft(adj): Quick and skillful; clever; skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands.
Synonyms: able, adroit, agile, apt, clever, dexterous, dextrous, expert, fleet, handy, neat, nimble, proficient, quick, skillful.

9. Hushed(v): To make silent or quiet.; to calm; soothe; to keep from public knowledge; suppress mention of.

10. Purity(n): the condition or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that debases, contaminates, pollutes, etc; being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material; freedom from guilt or evil; innocence.
Synonyms: chastity, cleanliness, continence, holiness, innocence, piety, sanctitude, impurity

11. Parsimonious(adj): excessively unwilling to spend; sparing in expenditure of money; excessively sparing or frugal; characterized by or showing parsimony.
Synonyms: tight, close, niggardly, miserly, illiberal, mean, penurious; avaricious, covetous, penurious; saving; mean; stingy; frugal.
Antonyms: generous

12. Skimp(v): to scrimp; scanty; to deal with hastily, carelessly, or with poor material; to provide for or supply inadequately; to be stingy or very thrifty; limit in quality or quantity; subsist on a meager allowance; to slight; to do carelessly.
Synonyms: stint, pinch, scamp, economize, pinch, sacrifice, save, scrape, scrimp, slight.

13. Commensurate(adj): having the same measure; of equal extent or duration; corresponding in amount, magnitude, or degree; proportionate; adequate.
Synonyms: adequate, appropriate, balanced, corresponding, equivalent, parallel, proportional, square.

14. Jaundice(n): a state of feeling in which views are prejudiced or judgment is distorted, as by envy or resentment; A state or feeling of negativity or bitterness arising especially from envy or world-weariness.
Synonyms: prejudice, prepossess, warp.

15. Categorical(adj): without exceptions or conditions; absolute; unqualified and unconditional; of, pertaining to, or in a category.
Synonyms: positive, flat, downright, absolute, certain, emphatic, explicit, flat, specific, sure, unequivocal, unmitigated, unqualified.

16. Manumit(v): to release from slavery or servitude; to free from slavery or bondage; emancipate.
Synonyms: discharge, emancipate, liberate, loose, release, let loose.

17. Precis(n): a concise summary; a concise summary of a book, article, or other text; an abstract; a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory.
Synonyms: abridgement, abstract, condensation, digest, epitome, summary, synopsis.

18. Precipitate(v): to hasten the occurrence of; bring about prematurely, hastily, or suddenly; to cast down headlong; fling or hurl down; to separate from a solution as a precipitate.
Synonyms: abrupt, accelerate, brash, expedite, fall, hasten, hasty, headlong, hurl, hurried, hurry, impatient, impetuous, impulsive, madcap, precipitous, rash, reckless, sleet, speed, sudden, throw, unexpected.


1. Parsimonious: Skimp

2. Malingerer: Shirk

3. Pain: wince


1. Contemplative

2. Thoughtful

3. Immutable

4. Perspicacity

5. Apparel

6. Reproach

7. Bane

8. Providential

9. Perpetual

10. Cogent

11. Adamant

12. Meek

13. Havoc

14. Alibi

15. Chagrin

16. Tendentious

17. Diaphanous

18. Ponderous

19. Flinch

20. Filmstrip

21. Quaff

22. Precipitous

23. Somnambulist


1. Filmstrip: Frames

2. Quaff: Sip

3. Malfunction: Failsafe

Issue Topic:

1. Laws are of two types: just and the unjust, everyone should obey just laws and more importantly, should obey unjust laws.
(Something like that)


1. Zesty

2. Slouch

3. Nuance

4. Pastiche

5. Indolent

6. Variegated

7. Prostate

8. Cogent

9. Failsafe

10. Truncate

11. Malfunction

12. Friated

13. Penurious

14. Compotes

15. Spurious

16. Adamant

17. Quell

` 18. Nonconformity

19. Apocalyptic

20. Devout

21. Deprave

22. Inconsequential


1. Grammar: Language

2. Truncate: Length

3. Zoning: Region

4. Malfunction: Failsafe

Issue topic:
1. Facts are stubborn things, these are the things which cannot be altered.
(Its something like that)

Argument Topic:

1. A company is facing loss due to the new and luxary cars available in the market and nobudy want to buy the old models...
(some topic similar to this)

2. This was an article from health and beauty magazine. There are five volunteers who have participated in a show.There is a beauty product named Luxess face cream which is new to the market.The volunteers daily morning wash their face with a mild soap and apply this face cream.After a month they will see an improvement in their skin which gives them a u need to write on it basically.


1. Venerate

2. Attenuate

3. Cogent

4. Minute

5. Frequent

6. Taint

7. Noisome

8. Alibi

9. Sangfroid

10. Effete

11. Recalcitrant

12. Dissuade

13. Polly

14. Amish

15. Afflatus

16. Comport

17. Havoc

18. Awry

19. Brusque

20. Cessation

21. Archipelago

22. Dampen


1. Attenuate: Density

2. Recalcitrant: Stubbornness

3. Archipelago: Islands


1. Issue

2. Effervescent

3. Hidebound

4. Innovation

5. Vitality

6. Enervate

7. Procrastinate

8. Adulterate

9. Ruminative

10. Squall

11. Commotion

12. Exorbitant


1. Chat: Talk

2. Hidebound: Innovation

3. Squall: Commotion

4. Exorbitant: Moderation

Issue Topic:

1. High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a memorandum from a dean at Omega University. "Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented a new procedure that encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of all their professors. Since that time, Omega professors have begun to assign higher grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages at Omega have risen by thirty percent. Potential employers apparently believe the grades at Omega are inflated; this would explain why Omega graduates have not been as successful at getting jobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University. To enable its graduates to secure better jobs, Omega University should now terminate student evaluation of professors."


1. Moxie

2. Sangfroid

3. Gilt

4. Alibi

5. Tumultuous

6. Irrepressible

7. Recalcitrant

8. Spurious

9. Effete

10. Hygienic

11. Snare

12. Tree

13. Bark

14. Fetter

15. Prostrate

16. Jejune

17. Suffragist

18. Inconspicuous

19. Hygienic

20. Hangdog

21. Conundrum


1. Collapse: Volume

2. Conundrum: solve

Issue Topic:

1. The only responsibility for corporate executives as long as they stay within the law is to increase money for the company.


1. Foment

2. Fractious

3. Disaffected

4. Contentment

5. Pan

6. Spurious

7. Ponderous

8. Rapacious

9. Quislings

10. Unctuous

11. Impertinent

12. Addendum

13. Instigate


1. Addendum:Document

2. Instigate: provoke

Issue Topic:

1. Progress is best made through discussion among people who have contrasting points of view.

2. "Human mind is more superior than machine because afterall humans made all machine and tools."


1. Circumlocution

2. Ardent

3. Awe

4. Husk

5. Meet

6. Gibberish

7. Imminent

8. Denounce

9. Recalcitrant

10. Modicum

11. Hapless

12. Quip

13. Lode

14. Vitality

15. Plethora

16. Ragtime

17. Sporadic


1. Gibberish: Intelligent

2. Talk: Chat

3. Recalcitrant: Stubbornness

4. Drench: Wet

5. Music: Ragtime

6. Mine: Ore


1. Calcify

2. Coagulant

3. Plaudit

4. Banquet

5. Ineluctable

6. Teetotaler

7. Volubility

8. Gag

9. Gainsay

10. Distraught


12. Dire

13. Ladle

14. Gratuitous


1. Comprehensive: dire

2. Soup: ladle

3. Gratuitous : justification

Issue Topic:

1. The laws should not be rigid, they should be flexible according to the circumstance, place, time etc.


1. Mire

2. Novice

3. Timeworn

4. Desiccate

5. Malodorous

6. Scent

7. Lode

8. Quell

9. Incumbent

10. Dormant

11. Sap

12. Enervate

13. Interloper

14. Intruder


1. Malodorous: Scent

2. Enervate:Strength

3. Interloper: Intruder


1. Plentitude

2. Paucity

3. Quip

4. Coddle

5. Arid

6. Quaff

7. Gobble

8. Bolt

9. Intractable

10. Satiate

11. Timeworn


1. Arid: Dry

2. Quaff: Sip

3. Timeworn: Novel


1. Defame

2. Tepid

3. Deft

4. Continuum

5. Testy

6. Gadfly

7. Inveterate

8. Mettle

9. Assuage

10. Drawl

11. Prostate

12. Inert

13. Congeal

14. Contumacious

15. Artlessness


1. Queue: People

2. Contumacious: Authority

Issue Topic:

1. Only mistakes leads to discovery and progress.


1. Exalt

2. Inert

3. Enigmatic

4. Artless

5. Pout

6. Clairvoyant

7. Embezzle

8. Procrastinate

9. Friated

10. Crumbled

11. Gratuitous


1. Friated: Crumbled

2. Gratuitous: justification

Issue Topic:

1. Most of the people choose their career based on the salary, feasibility of obtaining job. Hardly we can find anyone choosing their career based on their natural talents.

2. "People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience."

3. "In any given field, the leading voices come from people who are motivated not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions and ideas that differ from those held by the majority."

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a newspaper feature story. "At the small, non-profit hospital in the town of Saluda, the average length of a patient's stay is two days ; at the large, for-profit hospital in the near by city of Megaville, the average patient's stay is six days. Also, the cure rate among patients in the Saluda hospital is about twice that of the Megaville hospital. The Saluda hospital has more employees per patient than the hospital in Megaville and there are few complaints about service at the local hospital.Such data indicate that treatment in smaller, non-profit hospitals is moreeconomical and of better quality than treatment in larger, for profit hospitals".

2. The citizens of Forsythe have adopted healthier lifestyles. Their responses to a recent survey show that in their eating habits they conform more closely to government nutritional recommendations than they did ten years ago. Furthermore, there has been a fourfold increase in sales of food products containing kiran, a substance that a scientific study has shown reduces cholesterol. This trend is also evident in reduced sales of sulia, a food that few of the healthiest citizens regularly eat.

3."According to a government report, last year the city of Dillton reduced its corporate tax rate by 15 percent; at the same time, it began offering relocation grants and favorable rates on city utilities to any company that would relocate to Dillton. Within 18 months, two manufacturing companies moved to Dillton, where they employ a total of 300 people. Therefore, the fastest way for Beauville to stimulate economic development and hence reduce unemployment is to provide tax incentives and other financial inducements that encourage private companies to relocate here."


1. Flashy

2. Stygian

3. Mumble

4. Base

5. Famous

6. Egalitarian

7. Cultivate

8. Aggregate

9. Askew

10. Covet

11. Dulcet

12. Cloven

13. Euphemism

14. Toil

15. Exonerate

16. Lurk

17. Roil

18. Failsafe


1. Failsafe: Malfunction

2. Trees: Forest

Issue Topic:

1. The problems of modern society have made it difficult to frame laws and legislations, as moral behavior cannot be legitimized.


1. Pedestrian

2. Prelude

3. Sober

4. Furtive

5. Callow

6. Aggrandize

7. Ravenous

8. Gainsay

9. Galvanise

10. Laud

11. Mire

12. Maladroit

13. Virulent

14. Tacit

15. Hasten

16. Flit

17. Veto

18. Harangue

19. Propagate

20. Speed

21. Mar

22. Gill

23. Penurious

24. Miser

25. Witticism

26. Cynicism

27. Laspe.


1. Lungs: Respire

2. Flit: Walk

3. Veto: Harangue

4. Callow: Maturity

5. Penurious:miser


1. Latent

2. Gainsay

3. Superciliousness

4. Exonerate

5. Mar

6. Fazed

7. Gag

8. Perturb

9. Disingenuous

10. Mitigate

11. Spurious

12. Vilify

13. Drawl

14. Harbinger

15. Presage

16. Frugal

17. Penurious

18. Chisel

19. Tutelary

20. Moribund

21. Teller

22. Mettlesome

23. Peripatetic

24. Testify

25. Allude


1. Drawl: slow

2. Harbinger: Presage

3. Frugal: Penurious

4. Marble: Chisel


1. Awe

2. Adulation

3. Testy

4. Diaphanous

5. Speed

6. Exacerbate

7. Admonish

8. Prostrate

9. Pristine

10. Assiduous

11. Impugn

12. Precarious

13. Millinery

14. Shard

15. Quell

16. Maladroit

17. Ambiguous

18. Arid

19. Avowal

20. Aberrant

21. Summit

22. Jocund

23. Fervid

24. Obscure

25. Pusillanimous

26. Titillate

27. Prodigal

28. Obloquy

29. Priggish

30. Aplomb

31. Mar

32. Exculpate

33. Vilify

34. Obfuscate

Issue Topic:

1. "The purpose of science is to reassure and that of art is to upset".


1. Telling

2. Testy

3. Tepid

4. Ignominy

5. Aplomb

6. Exculpate

7. Mar

8. Lazing

9. Omnipotent

10. Zealot

11. Lacerate

12. Ignite

13. Discommodious

14. Exculpate

15. Deferential

16. Obsequious

17. Hidebound

18. Discommodious

19. Loquacious

20. Antiseptic

21. Chisel

22. Admonish

23. Denounce


1. Lung: Respire

2. Loquacious: Talk

3. Antiseptic: Disinfect

4. Marble: Chisel

5. Admonish: Denounce


1. Exonerate

2. Supercilious

3. Arrogant

4. Tepid

5. Tug

6. Gag

7. Explicit

8. Winsome

9. Byline

10. Reinforcement

11. Raving


1. Article: Byline

2. Reinforcement : Collapse

Argument Topic:

1. "Last year, sales of our Fierce Fighter toy airplane declined sharply, even though the toy had been a top seller for three years. Our customer surveys show that parents are now more worried about youthful violence and are concerned about better education for their children. Therefore, to maintain profits we should discontinue all our action toys and focus exclusively on a new line of educational toys. Several other toy companies have already begun marketing educational toys and report sales increases last year of 200 percent. And since the average family income is growing, sales of new Hyper-Go toys should also increase."


1. Summit

2. Ambiguous

3. Jocund

4. Mire

5. Peripatetic

6. Rooted

7. Hush

8. Exhortation

9. Misdemeanor

10. Avowal

11. Senility


1. Summit: Mountain

2. Motivation: Exhortation

3. Misdemeanor: crime

4. Senility: Consciousness

Issue Topic:

1. Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places.

2. .The character of the leaders of the society can be determined by the character of men and women of the society who chose them.

Argument Topic:

1. The following appeared in a memo from a vice president of Alta Manufacturing.

"During the past year, Alta Manufacturing had thirty percent more on-the-job accidents than nearby Panoply Industries, where the work shifts are one hour shorter than ours. Experts believe that a significant contributing factor in many on-the-job accidents is fatigue and sleep deprivation among workers. Therefore, to reduce the number of on-the-job accidents at Alta and thereby increase productivity, we should shorten each of our three work shifts by one hour so that our employees will get adequate amounts of sleep."


1. Arid

2. Omnipotent

3. Exasperate

4. Hamper

5. Reverent

6. Fervid


1. Lung: Respire

2. Reverent: Sincerity

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